FVWM: Simulating Alt-TAB of the other GUI even closer

From: <jens.schmidt35_at_arcor.de>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 13:58:16 +0200 (CEST)


Most of the time I use a single Alt-TAB to switch between two applications. This can be achieved in FVWM, too, by specifying options CurrentAtEnd, IconifiedAtEnd for the WindowList command.

However, I could not get used to the re-ordering of the windows in the menu and added a new option for the WindowList command, called WarpToSecond. Effect is: When the window list is opened with Alt-TAB, then instead of pre-selecting the first menu entry (the active window) FVWM pre-selects the second one (if present).

Only a few lines of code are necessary to implement that. I have patches for 2.5.12 available, just contact me.


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Received on Thu Apr 21 2005 - 06:58:52 BST

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