Re: FVWM: minimalist config?

From: Thomas Adam <>
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 03:18:10 +0000

On Sat, Feb 26, 2005 at 01:46:36AM +0000, Thomas A. Horsley wrote:
> I have a feeling I'm going to want to use fvwm, but at the moment
> I'm being overwhelmed by bells and whistles :-).

Ah, a man after my own heart! One that likes things simplistic. :) I
never did care for all the bells and whistles, either.

> All the documentation I've been reading so far has emphasized how
> there are all sorts of fallback configs that provide useful root
> menus, etc.

Indeed. For instance, if you start up fvwm with no ~/.fvwm2rc file
present (or no system-wide config file), fvwm wil default to its
internal defaults, which in turn will allow you to create the most
minimalistic .fvwm2rc file I know of. Indeed, this is perhaps where I
suggest you start. You can read more [1] about that.

> What if I don't want any of that? Is there a sample .fvwm2rc file
> somewhere that can provide me with a config that basically does
> nothing? Turns off all the key and mouse bindings? Has maybe a single
> mouse click that brings up a single menu with just a "quit" button?

Again, see above. There isn't anything like what you're describing.
The paradox here is that you need a .fvwm2rc file to be able to turn off
the key/mouse bindings in the first place. :)

> I'd much rather start with nothing and add things one at a time than
> start with something that has all sorts of amazing and unexpected
> side-effects when I accidentally press a button in the wrong context
> or something.

And why not, indeed. I did this, too. Built things up bit by bit. You
can see my achievements [2]. But don't worry about "breaking" FVWM by
specifying a wrong key binding, or what have you. It's pretty much
bullet-proof. If you log errors Fvwm produces (typically
~/.xsession-errors, if you use xdm or startx) then you can always see
what you did wrong.


-- Thomas Adam


I know nothing, and understand even less.
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