FVWM: Layer and StaysOn styles

From: jpkotta <sqrt_-1_at_ezrs.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 11:50:23 -0600

I've been having trouble with the Layer and StaysOn* styles. With an
empty setup file, I startup fvwm and start an FvwmConsole and a few
windows to play with. I type into the console:

        Pick WindowStyle Layer 6
        Pick WindowStyle StaysOnTop
        Pick FvwmIdent

and select a window. FvwmIdent says the layer is still 4, and it behaves
as if the layer is still 4. 'Pick Layer 0 6' works fine. Am I missing
something or is this a bug?

Output of 'fvwm -V':
fvwm 2.5.12 compiled on Oct 24 2004 at 03:36:42
with support for: ReadLine, XPM, PNG, Shape, XShm, SM, Xinerama, XRender,


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Received on Tue Dec 28 2004 - 11:51:59 GMT

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