FVWM: Icon management

From: Guillaumet <Guillaumet_at_web.de>
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 22:56:15 +0100

Dear FVMUsers,
I am working with fvwm2 since a long time and find that it is a very nice windows manager.
However I have a small problem that I would like to resolve.
When I start many application and I iconise them the order of the icons stay not the same
during a session. I.e. I have emacs with 3 new frames (A, B and C),
1) I iconise A then B and finally C, on my windows I have the icon of the frame A at left, B on
the middle and C right.
2) I reoppen C and B, and iconise C thenafter B in this case the frame A stays at left but C is
now on the middle and B right.
Is it not possible that the icons of the frame/applications will have the same position during
a session?
I whish to have nearly the same feature than SGI with 5dwm concerning the order of the icons.

Thanks in advance for any help,

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Received on Fri Nov 05 2004 - 15:54:40 GMT

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