FVWM: xsession-errors is more then 600 MBytes after 16 days

From: Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle_at_freenet.de>
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 23:05:55 +0200


I am in the Land of exploding xsession-errors files...

I am using 2.5.10 and fvwm filles up my ~/xsession-errors with:

  ____ ( '/home/michelle/.xsession-errors' ) ___________________________
| s 0/765 0/ 2, g 2/763 2/ 0: +++ near border traditional 0x08154a00 'FvwmTaskBar'

One time at start up and then starting a program (here 'gaim')

| _cdim: --- not moved 0x08154d28 'Anmeldung'

and then millions of lines like this

| _cdim: --- using StaticGravity 0x08154d28 'ButtonBar1'
| _cdim: --- using StaticGravity 0x08154d28 'ButtonBar1'
| _cdim: --- using StaticGravity 0x08154d28 'ButtonBar1'
| _cdim: --- using StaticGravity 0x08154d28 'ButtonBar1'
| _cdim: --- using StaticGravity 0x08154d28 'ButtonBar1'
| _cdim: --- using StaticGravity 0x08154d28 'ButtonBar1'
| _cdim: --- using StaticGravity 0x08154d28 'ButtonBar1'
| _cdim: --- using StaticGravity 0x08154d28 'ButtonBar1'
| _cdim: --- using StaticGravity 0x08154d28 'ButtonBar1'
| _cdim: --- using StaticGravity 0x08154d28 'ButtonBar1'
| _cdim: --- using StaticGravity 0x08154d28 'ButtonBar1'
| _cdim: --- using StaticGravity 0x08154d28 'ButtonBar1'
| _cdim: --- using StaticGravity 0x08154d28 'ButtonBar1'

while open and closing one of my two ButtonPanel
Moving a window arround gives me tonns of messages too.


I think, this is inacceptable...
How can I deactivate logging of this crap ?


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