FVWM: Modul FvwmButtons does not start using Fvwm 2.5.x in combination with my .fvwmrc file

From: Lehmacher Frank <Frank.Lehmacher_at_Micronas.Com>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 09:45:55 +0200

Hello FVWM team,

since SuSE 9.1 which is shiped with FVWM 2.5.9-38
my .fvwm2rc configuration file is not properly loaded anymore,
but can be started with FVWM 2.4.x without any problems.

The problem is that the Module FvwmButtons creating a CDE-like panel does not start anymore.

Even the newest version 2.5.10 fails and gives the following error message :

     MyMainButtonBox: Button out of horizontal range. Quitting.

The module FvwmButtons is used to replicate a CDE-like panel.

=> Module FvwmButtons MyMainButtonBox

I am not sure if it is a bug, but the 2.5.x version included in SuSE 9.0 accepted my .fvwm2rc while 2.5.10 does not.

Please find enclosed my .fvwmrc file for error tracking ?
The size of the file .fvwm2rc is about 140 kB (see attached tar file).

If you like I can also send all files and pixmaps referenced by .fvwm2rc,
but they are not neccessary to reproduce the error.

My fvwm2 configuration is comparably complex and the complete package
including all files and pixmaps referenced takes about 30 MB.

Is there a possibility to upload this package to a dedicated FTP server ?

Please find also enclosed a picture (fvwm_desk_ok.jpg) showing how the desktop should look like
(after deiconizing the FvwmButton icon in the top left)
when the configuration file is properly loaded (tested with fvwm 2.4.18).

Thank you for your help

Best regards




CPU : AMD Athlon XP 2200+
OS : SuSE 9.1
Xserver : XFree (4.4.0 RC 2)
Kernel : 2.6.5-7.104-default
RAM : 1 GB
Graphic Card : Nvidia GeForce Ti 4200
Nvidia driver : NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-5336-pkg1.run
Resolution : 1280x1024, 24bit, 3D acceleration active
Monitor : Nokia 446XS [31-96 kHz, 50-150Hz]


The problem seems to be independent of :

  - The kernel version
  - The graphics card driver
  - The version of the Xserver


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Received on Wed Aug 11 2004 - 08:45:04 BST

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