Re: FVWM: window background color

From: robert_wilhelm_land <>
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 16:51:12 +0200

Tenebrae wrote:

> Hmmm...
> I always launch vncserver from an Eterm (after I've started X).
> My vncserver xstartup file reads like this:
> [tenebrae_at_pointy .vnc]$ cat xstartup
> #!/bin/sh
> xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
> xsetroot -solid grey
> xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -bg black -fg LightGrey -ls -title
> "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & fvwm2

The endless loop vaneshed after launching X11 and then starting
vncserver (your suggestion), I'm woundering why?
There's one difference between your vnc startup script and mine - I've
got a "&" as the terminating character after fvwm2, therefor:
"$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & fvwm2 &

I'm not quite happy having to launch X11 to use the vncserver because my
intention is to use the server without a monitor and launching X11 for
nothing would take some system resources which I would rather like to
use for applications.
But -oops - I just realized I can't start any x-apps (netscape, xemacs)
without starting x11 ( I thought vnc uses x11 libs and provides these
libs to all other apps because I have a fvwm2 desktop with just starting
vncserver from a terminal and no x11 running currently on the entire
linux server)
Actually this is the big difference:
Removing the terminating "&" in ""$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & fvwm2 &"
causes vncserver to launch without running the system into a endless
loop which I mentioned in the previous message.

> I've never had a problem with it, except trying to figure out how to get
> my starting xterm to have reverse video enabled! I finally gave up and
> just set the background and foreground colours.
> I also dunno what the xrdb $HOME/.Xresources line is for (I can't find one
> anywhere). Oh least it works.
> -Tenebrae.

What exactly is " reverse video" ?
Additionally - how do I kill a vncserver ? The html help provides
"vncserver -kill :<serverinstancenumber>"
If I do that - the appropiate server instance does not die - instead a
new server instance is created!


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