Re: FVWM: fvwm 2.3.20 install and config files

From: Thomas A. Gardiner <>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 23:23:55 -0400 (EDT)


On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Subba Rao wrote:

>I just got done compiling and installing FVWM2 2.3.20. The module
>path is /usr/X11R6/libexec/fvwm/2.3.20/ . In the past (2.2.x and before)
>the FVWM had a configuration file in $HOME, either (.fvwmrc or .fvwm2rc).
>The new installation does not seem to be using the file I originally had,
>i.e. $HOME/.fvwm2rc.
>1. Where is the FVWM2 reading the configuration file from?

I think if you look at the man page for fvwm2 you will find that it reads
it from ~/.fvwm/ unless you set some environment variable.

>2. Why does FVWM does not start from XDM but works fine from GDM?

I really can't help you here. At least with 2.2.4 I know that it works
from both XDM and GDM. I haven't tried XDM lately.

>The "fvwm2" binary is installed in /usr/X11R6/bin. My distro is Slackware 7.1.

At least with the RH6.1 setp gdm calls the same script as xdm on start-up,
so I can't see why it wouldn't behave the same for me. I don't know

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