Re: FVWM: window background color

From: Vivek <>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 16:21:55 +0100 (BST)

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, robert_wilhelm_land wrote:

> How do I set other parameters like a smaller window width on a Xterm
> startup? - the XF86Config file doesn't seem to control that. I looked
> at the fvwm2 config files and searched for everything containing a
> "width" or a "height" but found nothing responsable for these
> settings.

If you just want to control the xterms started from menus, you should
change your WM config, but I'm guessing you knew that: typically this sort
of thing is controlled by x resources: [see man xrdb]
typically you want a command something like

xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

somewhere in your startup. [Xresources are [I believe] a property of the
X display itself, so xrdb must have access to a valid display to work:
this is automatically Ok in x clients and .xinitrc/.xsession]

Here's a selection from my .Xresources file: [! introduces a comment]
Netscape*fileSelector.pattern: *
YTalk.reverse: true
YTalk.font: 7x14
Xless*customization: -color
Xless*sizeToFit: true
vt100*activeIcon: TRUE
xterm*activeIcon: TRUE
xterm*colorBDMode: FALSE
xterm*colorBLMode: FALSE
xterm*colorULMode: FALSE
!Emacs*pane.menubar.background: #000000
!Emacs*pane.menubar.foreground: #0088aa

The man page for each particular app should explain what resources the app
understands. I think you want

xterm*geometry: 80x25

or similar

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