FVWM: FVWM don't still read my xmodmap's setting,why?

From: lee <learnman_at_21cn.com>
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 01:36:58 +0800

  Thanks Dan.

   I do all that Dan told me.

  The problem which FVWM cann't display icons in Rootmenu did not appears.

  But FVWM still can not read my xmodmap , like the question why FVWM
can read the command line "xmodmop -e 'keycode 222 = XF86Poweroff'" and
works correctly, but it can not read my setting in .Xmodmap regardless
of i append "xmodmap $HOME/.xmodmap" or not .

    I've used another method just set these into my .fvwm2rc file, like
+ I Exec exec xmodmap $HOME/.xmodmap
The problem still exists

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