FVWM: Re: How can i use the win-logo key in fvwm? Please....

From: Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle_at_freenet.de>
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 19:13:54 +0200

Am 2004-06-20 17:01:31, schrieb B. Zhang:
>- use xev to find the keycode of the win-logo key, for me it is 115.
>- in your .xsession for example, add
> xmodmap -e 'keycode 115 = winlogo'
>- then
> Key winlogo A N Popup RootMenu


I have written my own keymap and I have for the three Buttons:

  ____ ( '/home/michelle/.xmodmap/de' ) ________________________________
| keycode 115 = winlogo_L
| keycode 116 = winlogo_R
| keycode 117 = winmenu
| keycode 161 = XF86AudioLowerVolume
| keycode 163 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume
| keycode 176 = XF86AudioMute
| keycode 162 = XF86AudioPause
| keycode 146 = XF86AudioNext
| keycode 164 = XF86AudioPrev
| keycode 160 = XF86AudioStop

But if I load my keymap I get

  ____ ( 'xmodmap $HOME/.xmodmap/de' ) _________________________________
| xmodmap: de:107: bad keysym name 'winlogo_L' in keysym list
| xmodmap: de:108: bad keysym name 'winlogo_R' in keysym list
| xmodmap: de:109: bad keysym name 'winmenu' in keysym list
| xmodmap: 3 errors encountered, aborting.

Why ?

The others XF86Audio* are working fine...


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