Re: FVWM: Most used applications?

From: Nicholas Paul Johnson <>
Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 00:31:55 -0400 (EDT)

Hash: SHA1


I don't think fvwm supports this directly; but you can script it...

If you could wrap all of your apps from a script which keeps a tally of
number of times its been run, then you would be able to create such a
menu. Unfortunately, you would still need to restart fvwm before this
menu is updated.

So, I wrote an example script (attached as tally.rb, written in ruby, < 60
lines). One must modify his .fvwm2rc file to use it:

        AddToMenu SomeMenu "Apps"
        + "Browser" Exec exec tally.rb Browser
        + "Editor" Exec exec tally.rb Editor --some-flag

Compared to the original:

        AddToMenu SomeMenu "Apps"
        + "Browser" Exec exec Browser
        + "Editor" Exec exec Editor --some-flag

This script will then generate an fvwm-style menu in some file (the
attached example uses ~/.fvwm_dynamic_menu), which you can include into a
.fvwm2rc (note that you need to restart before changes take effect):

        Read .fvwm_dynamic_menu

This program could also be used from the command line, i.e.

        nick_at_home$ tally.rb echo Hello World
        Hello World

But this seems less useful; you cannot supply command line parameters in
as useful a fashion in programs are launched from a menu.

Hope this helps.
- --
  Nicholas Paul Johnson
  o nickjohnson \at\ virginia \dot\ edu
  o 3ebf10a7
  o "When all you've got is a hammer,
    everything looks like a nail.

On Wed, 5 May 2004, Xavier Maillard wrote:

> On 4 May 2004, Shay wrote:
> > Is there a way for FVWM to find the most used applications? I'm
> > dreaming of a command line interface which automatically builds a root
> > menu for quick access to the most often used items.
> Hummmm, dunno if it exists but I just love the idea yet :)

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