FVWM: how to run fvwm AND icewm

From: <ada_ada_at_tiscali.it>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 15:25:35 +0200


i've tried to run two wm,icewm and fvwm because i need to have the best
from both. icewm is good for the root menu and fvwm for the taskbar. i've
modified my .xinitrc and my .xsession like this :


exec fvwm-themes-start
exec icewm

and viceversa :


exec icewm
exec fvwm-themes-start

but ONLY the first wm start. how can i run both ?

nb : i've disabled the icewm taskbar from the preference file because i
want to use the fvwm taskbar. lemme know

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Received on Fri Apr 30 2004 - 08:28:34 BST

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