FVWM: Intricacies of the Next() function / Conditionals

From: Nicholas Paul Johnson <nickjohnson_at_virginia.edu>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 00:33:57 -0400 (EDT)

Hash: SHA1


I am trying to define a function, called Close_fcn, which is bound to the
close button on my title bars. I would like this function to, in addition
to closing the window, automatically focus another window which may or may
not be on the same desk. What I have so far is:

DestroyFunc Close_fcn
AddToFunc Close_fcn
+ "I" Close
+ "I" Next (!Sticky) Focus

Mouse 1 7 A Close_fcn

However, I would like to impose an ordering on these windows: I would like
it to (1) focus a window on the same desk if available, and (2) focus any
other window if [1] fails.

So, is this possible? I use fvwm 2.4.16


Is it possibly for me to bind a function to the event that a window is
closed (not necessarily explicitly)? The example of this situation that
comes to mind is xpdf, which has a big 'quit' button. Can I bind a
function to be called when this 'quit' button causes the window to close,
just as if the close button on the titlebar were pushed?

  Nicholas Paul Johnson
  o nickjohnson \at\ virginia \dot\ edu
  o 3ebf10a7 subkeys.pgp.net
  o http://manjac.ath.cx/nick
  o "When all you've got is a hammer,
    everything looks like a nail.
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Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


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Received on Fri Apr 30 2004 - 00:43:14 BST

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