FVWM: Conditionally adding menu items

From: Scott Smedley <scottie7_at_tpg.com.au>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 18:34:53 +1100

Is there a better way (less code?) of conditionally adding menu items
to a menu than this?

AddToMenu "Multimedia_at_cd.xpm@" "MuLTiMeDia" Title
m4_syscmd(type xine >& /dev/null)
m4_ifelse(m4_sysval, 0,
+ "&XiNe (DVD Player)%xine.xpm%" Exec exec xine
m4_syscmd(type gmplayer >& /dev/null)
m4_ifelse(m4_sysval, 0,
+ "&MPLaYeR (DVD Player)%xine.xpm%" Exec exec gmplayer
m4_syscmd(type xmms >& /dev/null)
m4_ifelse(m4_sysval, 0,
+ "XMMS (MP&3 PLaYeR)%xmmsMini.xpm%" Exec exec xmms
m4_syscmd(type dvdrip >& /dev/null)
m4_ifelse(m4_sysval, 0,
+ "&dvd::rip" Exec exec dvdrip

SCoTT. :)
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Received on Fri Mar 26 2004 - 01:39:32 GMT

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