FVWM: Cannot get hotkeys to work

From: Chris <9h5rfde02_at_sneakemail.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 13:17:38 -0500

 I'm trying to set up Alt-F1 .. F6 hotkeys to switch to the different
Pages I have set upon my desk. I'm having difficulty getting FVWM (or
maybe X?) to recognize Alt as a modifier. If I set things up for Shift
or Control it usually works fine.

 Here's the output from xmodmap in regards to the Alt keys:

ragabash 11:10 [~/.fvwm] xmodmap -pm
xmodmap: up to 2 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses):

shift Shift_L (0x32), Shift_R (0x3e)
lock Control_L (0x25)
control Caps_Lock (0x42), Control_R (0x6d)
mod1 Meta_L (0x40), Meta_R (0x71)
mod2 Num_Lock (0x4d)
mod4 Super_L (0x73), Super_R (0x74)
mod5 Scroll_Lock (0x4e)

ragabash 11:10 [~/.fvwm] xmodmap -pke | egrep "(Alt)|(Meta)|(Shift)|(Control)"
keycode 37 = Control_L
keycode 50 = Shift_L
keycode 62 = Shift_R
keycode 64 = Meta_L Alt_L
keycode 109 = Control_R
keycode 113 = Meta_R Alt_R
ragabash 11:11 [~/.fvwm]

 The really strange thing is that last night, for a time Alt-F1 was
working as desired, then it stopped. Control or Shift combinations were
fine. Now I can't get any of them to work, even without a modifier.
This is what I've been typing into FvwmConsole:

Key F1 A M GotoPage 0 0
Key F1 A 1 GotoPage 0 0
Key F1 A S GotoPage 0 0
Key F1 A C GotoPage 0 0
Key F1 A N GotoPage 0 0

 I'm not sure if this is an X problem, or a FVWM problem. I suspect
it's FVWM because Alt and Ctrl hotkeys work in other applications, but
maybe I've misconfigured something. If I run xev and tap the keys then
they all correspond to the keycodes I see above -- it all looks
perfectly fine.

Any suggestions on how to track down the problem are appreciated. (Oh,
I'm using fvwm 2.4.16, but that'll get upgraded as soon as Debian gets
new fvwm packages -- which, going by a recent post, sounds like it'll be

Chris Witham <9h5rfde02_at_sneakemail.com>
Computer Engineer and Geek
Fan of video games, anime, and the outdoors
Creator of the original Bitch of Fate
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Received on Wed Mar 17 2004 - 12:19:57 GMT

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