FVWM: Trouble in 2.5.9/2.5.8: mouse move with keypress is not work

From: Ruslan Kosolapov <rk_at_plesk.ru>
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 14:44:58 +0600


  I like move windows by pressing Control-Alt-LeftMouse on any part of

  My .fvwm2rc:
  $ cat .fvwm/.fvwm2rc | egrep "Mouse.*Move"
Mouse 1 W CM AnimatedMove

  When I use fvwm 2.5.6 (at my workplace) all working fine.

  At home I use fvwm 2.5.8 with the same config, and this feature is
  not work - I can move window only after I unpress left mouse button.

  I.e. (by steps):

  1. I press Control-Alt-LeftMouse - at this step if I moving the
     mouse window is not moving.
  2. I release LeftMouse (released or pressed Control-Alt - doesn't
     matter) - at this step cursor goes to MOVE cursorstyle, and when
     I moving the mouse, window follows to it, and window stop moving
     when I press LeftMouse again.

  In fvwm 2.5.6 windows follows mouse without just after press
  Control-Alt-LeftMouse, and stops moving after releasing buttons.

  Is this a bug, or this is a feature of 2.5.8? And what can I do for
  fix a problem?

PS: I try to build fresh 2.5.9 - the same problem.

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Received on Fri Feb 06 2004 - 02:47:19 GMT

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