FVWM: FvwmRandomBack

From: Guido Berhoerster <ich_at_guido-berhoerster.org>
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004 20:25:56 +0100

some time ago I wrote a little perl script in order to set a
random background image and recently I added some features and made
an Fvwm module out of it. It's called FvwmRandomBack and it's
pretty simple but for me it does what it is supposed to do and I
thought that maybe someone else might find it useful. I put it up
for download at http://www.guido-berhoerster.org/downloads/ (at
the bottom of the page).
FvwmRandomBack depends on the Image::Magick perl module which is
part of ImageMagick (http://www.imagemagick.org). In order to
install FvwmRandomBack simply put it somewhere within Fvwm's
ModulePath and make it execuatble.
Here is its included manpage:
       FvwmRandomBack - a FVWM module to display a random image in the root

       Module FvwmRandomBack

       FvwmRandomBack can only be invoked by fvwm. Command line invocation of
       the module will not work.

       FvwmRandomBack recursively searches a directory for all images in GIF,
       JPEG, PNG, or XPM format, selects one randomly and displays it in the
       root window.

       If the image is bigger than the current viewport it will be resized and
       cropped accordingly. Otherwise it will either be tiled or optionally
       magnified. FvwmRandomBack uses ImageMagick's perl module in order to
       modify and convert the image and fvwm-root to set the root window.

       FvwmRandomBack can be invoked by fvwm with the command 'Module
       FvwmRandomBack' at any time. After setting the root window to a random
       image it will exit. It might be convenient to invoke FvwmRandomBack
       during initialization by adding

           AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmRandomBack

       to the fvwm configuration file.

       FvwmRandomBack needs to be executable and must reside in a directory
       which is listed in ModulePath.

       *FvwmRandomBack: ImagePath path
            The path where the images can be found.

       *FvwmRandomBack: TmpDir path
            Specifies the directory where a temporary copy of the image will
            be stored in.

       *FvwmRandomBack: Magnify
            Magnify images which are smaller than the current viewport instead
            of tiling them.

       *FvwmRandomBack: RetainPixmap
            Causes FvwmBacker to retain and publish the Pixmap with which the
            background has been set. For more information see the FvwmTheme
            manpage and the fvwm-root manpage.

       Guido Berhoerster <ich_at_guido-berhoerster.org>
I'm not a perl hacker and I have hardly any experience in writing
Fvwm modules in perl, thus I would very much welcome any
Guido Berhoerster    ich_at_guido-berhoerster.org
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