Re: FVWM: Store and Recall MousePosition? (ALT+Mouse3-Resize)

From: Gert Brinkmann <>
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 22:10:57 +0100

Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

> I would say any complex function should normally have only one "M",
> like in this sample:

OK. Just one question to be sure to understand how execution of this
complex functions works:

> DestroyFunc MyResizeDispatcher
> AddToFunc MyResizeDispatcher
> + C MyResize0
> + M MyResize
> + H MyResize
> + D MyResize2

All of the lines are walked through sequentially from top to bottom? The
"C" or "M" is just a condition if the line is executed or not, but
execution is not paused until such a condition is fulfilled? Is this right?

> The rest of the configuration is your whole example above with all 8 "M"
> replaced with "I". Then it works. Just don't forget "p" here:
> WarpToWindow $[POINTERX]p $[POINTERY]p

Yes, with this hints the function works as expected. Thank you very
much. Here is the current version of the functions:

DestroyFunc MyResize
AddToFunc MyResize
+ I StoreMousePos
+ I WarpToNearestEdge
+ I Resize
+ I RecallMousePos

DestroyFunc StoreMousePos
AddToFunc StoreMousePos
+ I SetEnv POINTERX $[pointer.wx]
+ I SetEnv POINTERY $[pointer.wy]

DestroyFunc RecallMousePos
AddToFunc RecallMousePos
+ I WarpToWindow $[POINTERX]p $[POINTERY]p

DestroyFunc WarpToNearestEdge
AddToFunc WarpToNearestEdge
+ I WarpToWindow 100 100

Mouse 3 WTSF M MyResize

What is missing now is to calculate the nearest edge and add the mouse
movement to the POINTERX/Y values. How can you calculate something in a
function? I need something like

DestroyFunc WarpToNearestEdge
AddToFunc WarpToNearestEdge
+ I SetEnv WARPX ($[w.width]/2 - $[pointer.wx] > 0 ? 0 : 100)
+ I SetEnv WARPY ($[w.height]/2 - $[pointer.wy] > 0 ? 0 : 100)
+ I WarpToWindow $[WARPX] $[WARPY]

There does not seem to exist a fvwm internal arithmetic language, so
maybe I have to use a shell command that returns "0" or "100"?


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