FVWM: Screenshot submission and a request.

From: mulo75\_at_libero\.it <mulo75_at_libero.it>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 19:34:17 +0100

Hi all. I use Fvwm2 from 2000 with great satisfaction and I want to thank all
the developers of this excellent window manager.
I work on a notebook and in three years I refined my fvwm2rc file to the best
fitting my needs. I think that it could be usefull for other people using
notebooks, too.
My screenshot to submit is:

It's a sort of blackboxish look, inspired by the WireFrame theme for Gkrellm.

A request: there are many beautifull screenshot in the screenshot section, but
it would be nice to have the fvwm2rc files, too. Can you include them?
Mine is at


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Received on Wed Dec 10 2003 - 12:37:22 GMT

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