FVWM: Font shadow in hilighted menu items only

From: Benjamin Goedeke <goedeke_at_nord-com.net>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 05:00:45 +0100

Hi all,

What I'm trying to achive is a menu style where the only difference
between hilighted menu items on those not hilighted is a font shadow.
And I don't mean the fgsh color should change when a menu item is
hilighted but that the shadow should appear only when the item gets
hilighted so that the selected item "glows". This is my menu style so

MenuStyle * HilightBackOff, Hilight3DOff, Animation, \
        PopupOffset 0 100, PopupDelay, PopdownDelay, SeparatorsLong, \
        TrianglesSolid, Font "shadow=1 all:xft:Blue Highway:size=16", \
        MenuColorset 5, ActiveColorset 6

Colorset 5 TiledPixmap menu_back.xpm, fg grey90, bg rgb:29/5d/94
Colorset 6 fg white, fgsh rgb:29/5d/94

Since I can't specify different fonts (with and without shadow) for
active and inactive menu items I guess I will have to make the fgsh
color in Colorset 5 transparent. Is that possible or can it only be done
with a solid background color using this same color for fgsh in Colorset

Cheers, Ben.

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