FVWM: Re: access to the x buffer

From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs_at_math.uh.edu>
Date: 25 May 2000 19:20:34 -0500

>>>>> "KK" == Keith Kaple <kak_at_cisco.com> writes:

KK> Can fvwm access the X buffer in any way? What I am trying to do is
KK> modify pasting so the contents of the buffer are modified based on a
KK> regular expression if I paste (middle mouse button) to a title bar
KK> instead of the window of the xterm.

Well, there's the xselection program, which can perform operations on the
current selection or one of the cut buffers. If you can have it called upon
a middle-click on the title bar, you should be able to do any processing
you want. Of course, this doesn't actually paste anything into the
enclosed window; that's probably way out of the scope of the window manager.

KK> Would this be the work of a module? FvwmXBuffer?? ;-)

I doubt this has enough to do with Fvwm to be built into it.

 - J<
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