FVWM: FvwmIconMan and temporary transients

From: <larry.gensch_at_compaq.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 09:53:35 -0400 (EDT)

After seeing the message in fvwm-workers about an "icon launcher" using
FvwmButtons, I got the idea of using FvwmIconMan to put up a transient window
containing certain windows that I am interested in.

Since I don't normally use the numeric keypad on the right of my keyboard, I
have assigned certain keys to cycle between open windows of a certain type.
For instance, Keypad Enter (KP_Enter) will cycle through all my Netscape

I decided to create a similar function that is called when the Shift key is
pressed to just display a list of the windows, and allow the user to select
the desired window. This is most useful with XTerms (as my icon title tells
me which system I'm connected to and as what user).

The problem is that it seems that there doesn't seem to be a way to clear
FvwmIconMan's concept of show/dontshow windows. If I send FvwmIconMan a new
"show" line, it appends to its current list instead of replacing it.

Thus, I need to add a DestroyModuleConfig and reset ALL the FvwmIconMan
control lines in my function.

Is there a better way to get the functionality I need?

I've attached a minimal configuration to show what I am doing.

Second question: is there any way to tell FvwmIconMan to pop up in the CENTER
of the screen instead of where the mouse is located? Since I am launching
FvwmIconMan via keystroke, popping up at the mouse location isn't very useful.
Since the fvwm2 CursorMove function only moves the cursor relatively (I cannot
say "CursorMove 50 50" to place the cursor at the precise center of the
screen), it looks like absolute positioning is not available in fvwm2. Is
this correct or is there a workaround for this?

My config file is below:

# Styles

# All windows:

Style _at__at_All@@ DecorateTransient, \
                        MWMDecor, \
                        RandomPlacement, \
                        SmartPlacement, \

# No decorations

Style _at__at_Empty@@ UseStyle @@All@@, \
                        BorderWidth 0, \
                        CirculateSkip, \
                        CirculateSkipIcon, \
                        HandleWidth 0, \
                        NoHandles, \
                        NoTitle, \

# System Windows (Sticky)

Style _at__at_SysStick@@ UseStyle @@Empty@@, \

# FvwmIconMan -- System (Sticky) + Title

Style "FvwmIconMan" UseStyle _at__at_SysStick@@, Title

# TransientMan function:

DestroyFunc "TransientMan"
AddToFunc "TransientMan" \
  "I" DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIconMan*
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*title $0
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*show
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*show $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*resolution global
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*font 7x13bold
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*drawicons always
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*followfocus true
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*usewinlist true
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*format %t
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*focusbutton down black grey
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*focusandselectbutton flat black grey
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*iconbutton up grey40 grey
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*buttongeometry 200x0
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*managergeometry 1x0
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*action Key Up N gotobutton Up, select
+ "I" *FvwmIconMAn*transient*action Key Down N \
        bif Next 3, gotobutton 0, select, ret, gotobutton Next, select
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*action Key Escape N quit
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*action Key q N quit
+ "I" *FvwmIconMan*transient*action Mouse 0 N sendcommand Focus-and-Warp
+ "I" Module FvwmIconMan Transient

# Other useful functions called in this file:

DestroyFunc "warp-to"
AddToFunc "warp-to" \
  "I" Next [$0] Focus-and-Warp

DestroyFunc "Focus-and-Warp"
AddToFunc "Focus-and-Warp" \
  "I" Iconify -1
+ "I" Raise
+ "I" Focus
+ "I" WarpToWindow 50 50

# Keypad keys to launch TransientMan:

Key KP_Enter A N warp-to "Netscape"
Key KP_Add A N warp-to "TkRat"
Key KP_Subtract A N warp-to "XVile"
Key KP_Multiply A N warp-to "*Term"
Key Num_Lock A N warp-to "Knews"

Key KP_Enter A S TransientMan Browsers class=Netscape
Key KP_Add A S TransientMan Mailers class=TkRat
Key KP_Subtract A S TransientMan Editors class=XVile
Key KP_Multiply A S TransientMan Terminals class=*Term
Key Num_Lock A S TransientMan News class=Knews

# end of configuration

Larry Gensch                                          larry.gensch_at_compaq.com
                  "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"
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