FVWM: modified SloppyFocus

From: Adam Tla/lka <atlka_at_pg.gda.pl>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 15:07:20 +0100


I need Sloppy/MouseFocus but working only while I move the window pointer.
In other cases I need behaviour like ClikToFocus:

1. newly mapped window gets focus;
2. after destroying window focus goes to previous on the list nevermind where
the mouse pointer is (on the same desk and page)
3. while moving window as a frame window list order not changes

Is this possible to get this kind of behaviour?

 . .  Adam Tla/lka      mailto:atlka_at_pg.gda.pl    ^v^ ^v^ ^v^
  )   System  & Network Administration Group           ~~~~~~
  -  Computer Center,  Technical University of Gdansk, Poland
     PGP public key:   finger atlka_at_sunrise.pg.gda.pl
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