FVWM: AutoFocus?

From: Chris Petersen <petersen_at_raleigh.ibm.com>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2000 20:33:47 -0500

I've looked high and low and can't find any way to do the following
(tho' I know there HAS to be a way to do it using fvwm2)...

Even though I use SloppyFocus/FocusFollowsMouse, I want to be able to
specify that certain windows, when they appear, HAVE IMMEDIATE FOCUS...
ie, w/o having to move the mouse into them.

Something like:

   Style "foo" AutoFocus [delay]

where delay might be a timeout for focus to return to where the mouse/
cursor is at the time that the window "foo" appeared.

This would be extremely useful for those of us who have become
accustomed to keyboard equivalents and shortcuts.

Sometimes I have "foo" windows come up that need nothing other than for
me to press enter...but, I have to go move the cursor within the window
that just appeared.

Thanks for your help (kudos go to those that actually know the answer to
this :^).


C. Maverick Petersen http://www.spies.com/bungee
Bungee Enthusiast ._o petersen_at_raleigh.ibm.com
                                 / //\. bungeedude_at_webtv.net
PowerPC Embedded Processors ' \>> | bungee_at_spies.com
IBM Microelectronics \\ ' o_.
Dept. RYMA, Bldg. 060 ./\\ \
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919-486-2235 (Tie: 8-526-2235)
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