FVWM: title bar buttons?

From: Tom Lewis <tlewis_at_cabletron.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 16:19:53 -0500

I've gotten most of the basics configured, but can't seem to get buttons on the
title bar of my windows. I've been through the FAQ and the man pages, but must
missing something. Here's the part of my .fvwm2rc file that I thought would
set them up:

Style "*" DecorateTransient,ClickToFocus,MWMButtons,MWMFunctions,MWMBorder, Butt
on 1, Button 2, Button 4, Button 6
ButtonStyle 1 - MWMDecorMenu
ButtonStyle 2 - MWMDecorMax
ButtonStyle 4 - MWMDecorMin

What am I doing wrong?

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Received on Mon Jan 17 2000 - 15:23:37 GMT

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